Coach With Me

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One-on-One Coaching
Tailored Especially for You
 From Working Like A Dog tSupernatural Results
Through the power of Love
You know that quote, “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”?
What if that is a bold-faced lie?

What if working like a dog and burning the midnight oil in order to achieve success is actually working against you!? 

And what if there really was an easier, more delightful, fulfilling way to prosper abundantly, make a mega difference, and have the freedom, flexibility, and lifestyle you truly desire?

Yes. I know. How many people and programs are promising that? I get it. It’s hard to know who or what to trust. 

You may have already spent tens of thousands on personal development, marketing machinations, and the next shiny object… only to feel let down and disappointed… again. 

Ok. Ok. Hear me out.

As a former lawyer, cash flow consultant, financial planner, and corporate manager, I have seen over and over what the pursuit of success does to people… heck, what it did to me! 

It wasn’t until my husband was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer, complete with a brain tumor and I suffered a massive melt down that I finally understood the secret to success and financial freedom: a crazy little thing called LOVE.

I know it’s hard to grasp, but it was Love that:

• Took me from a state of despair into one of utter delight
• Brought in thousands of dollars in just one day, and tens of thousands within the month
• Elevated my heart with hope and joy as I helped my husband heal
• Gave me the energy I needed to carry on my business while I cared for my hubby night and day. 
• Made me feel secure, important, and well cared for (do you realize how much attention the person who has the affliction gets, and how little is paid to the caregiver? Love fixed that.)
• Opened the doors to supernatural opportunity that made my heart giddy
• Attracted a slew of new clients when I was ready to work full time again, and magically enrolled in my services at fees that easily supported me and my family. 

YES!! Love is the answer to fear, our problems, crisis… well, everything! 

But instead of pursuing the power of this extraordinary force that we all have access to, we have been taught love and business don’t mix! 

Without realizing it, we often resist the very thing that can give us everything our heart desires.

However, more and more research is surfacing that proves that leading with love, feeling loved, and sharing love actually creates the highest levels of productivity and desired results, whether in the corporate world, business, or everyday life. 

Over the years, since making this discovery and seeing it’s phenomenal effects, I have been on a mission to passionately share how the power of love transforms, provides, and creates abundant prosperity AS WELL AS time freedom, joyful energy, a healthy body and vibrant relationships. 

If you are looking to feel something different in your business or career, about yourself, about your clients, and even about money… then you are in the right place. 

If you are ready to truly partner with God for uncanny divine wisdom, tap into your own intuition and highest self, as well as manifest supernatural results without working like a dog, then we should talk.

Schedule Your FREE Curiosity Call with Me

 Consider these case studies:

 Case study #1: 

Denise is a sales coach for a growing, multi-million dollar coaching company. Not only was she frustrated with her results, but also felt intimidated and small whenever she had her weekly quota meetings with her boss. 

After working together and learning how to confront her hidden fears and insecurities with the power of Love, set love empowered goals, and show up radiating love on her calls and in conferences, her results skyrocketed. 

Doubling her commissions in a matter of months, Denise increased her closing ratio from 10% to 39%. 

As the year passed, many other sales coaches were added to the team. Denise was the only one who stood the test of time with impressive results. 

In addition, with a greater expectation of Love and Favor, other income producing opportunities landed in her lap, which further increased the surplus in her bank account. 

Denise began to fully comprehend in ways she never had, that money, her boss, or even her friends and family were not, and never could be, the solution to her problems, the answer to her dreams. 

She knew that intellectually and could even quote scripture to show it, but somehow in times of crisis, her anxiety would reveal her true feelings and beliefs. 

However, she had plenty of opportunities to practice the truth… 

Over the course of the year, Denise dealt with the death of her beloved dog, a couple of serious personal health scares, a global pandemic, and her husband having to be away for long periods of time for his new job. 

Nevertheless, through the power of love, she learned how to relax and expect a favorable outcome for every situation, which empowered her to stay in the flow of abundance, peace, and unbelievable joy. 

Denise is fulfilling the truth that there is more to life than work, while still advancing her career. 
Schedule Your FREE Curiosity Call with Me

 Case study #2: 

Dr. S had a thriving medical practice and was one of the leading professors of innovative methods at a renowned medical school. He loved teaching, but his clinic was not his sweet spot. 

His dream was to make a bigger difference in the world with his unique approach, become a writer, and even achieve greater income and flexibility as a concierge health coach. 

Despite his passion, education, and expertise, Dr. S kept hitting frustrating road blocks that would often get the better of him. With temper flares, offenses taken, and irrational reactions to people and circumstances, he often sabotaged any efforts he made.

Working together, we lovingly uncovered unresolved childhood trauma, clarified his true motivations for changing the world, and crafted his perfect programs, pricing, and platforms. The more loved he felt, the more relaxed he became. As a result, amazing doors of opportunity miraculous opened for him. 

Dr. S. is well on his way to establishing his coaching practice, writing his book, and becoming a major influencer. 

 Even more, with invoking and practicing the power of Love, he has found the women of his dreams after a 20-year hiatus from relationships!

 Case study #3: 

Debbie M. is a CPA with over 300 clients. She came to me feeling overwhelmed and overworked. She loved my energy, approachable warmth, and experience in law, finances, business, and ministry. She needed a break, but didn’t see how this was even possible. 

Despite the number of clients she served, every time she looked at her paltry bottom line and her all too high accounts receivables, she just wanted to cry. 

Within a short time of working together, not only did Debbie increase her profits and decrease her accounts receivables, but she also streamlined her practice with policies we designed and instituted. 

She brought on a team that knew what they were doing, moved into a higher vibe office space, and even purchased her dream home. 

How did the power of Love help her? 

Well, one of the reasons Debbie was struggling in her business was the need to be perfect and the tendency to people please. She needed to be strengthened in love… first for herself, then for her clients. 

Always putting others first had actually zapped her energy and creativity. If she did anything because it made her happy, guilt would haunt her. 

The power of love gave Debbie a greater appreciation for herself, which flowed naturally to her clients, in a true and genuine way, not in obligation and over responsibility. 
If you are someone who is working too hard for the results you are getting, or need a break but don’t see how it’s possible, or know you have self-sabotaging patterns that are stealing your joy, your impact, and your money, then schedule your 60 minute Curiosity Call with me. 

I work with people from all walks of life, backgrounds, ethnic diversities, and missions. But each of them are spiritually inclined, experts in their fields, and dedicated, hard-working leaders. 

Is This You?

  • You are often the one doing all the work, feeling like everything is up to you and is your responsibility.
  • You vacillate between doing it all and getting frustrated, and then feeling like a slave, blowing up, retreating, and resenting everyone. Maybe you even have the martyr thing going on.
  • But, really, your heart craves more… more relaxation, joy, and personal connections.
  • You are tired of worrying about everyone else’s feelings and opinions, and would love to feel free to express who you really are without fear of repercussions and rejection? 
  • You are done being misunderstood and going it alone. 
  • You are ready to be more settled and grounded in the power of love so that you can fully enjoy your work and relationships, embrace and express your gifts easily, and effortlessly release your passion and purpose.  
  • You want to receive freely a continued supply of abundant prosperity, without working like a dog.
If any of this speaks to you, claim your free 60-minute Curiosity Call with me. 

Why a Free 60-minute call with me? 

Most coaches offer 15-minute sample sessions, or 20 minutes to see if you are a fit.   

For me, coaching is a commitment for both parties and involves a great deal of intimacy, trust, and connection. I know the first few minutes will tell a lot and first impressions are important, but in my experience, first impressions are sometimes wrong. 

Given enough time, space and freedom to express, potential clients will naturally get to the deeper layers of what they truly desire and the reasons they perceive they are not where they want to be. 

And so, in our Curiosity Call, we can freely express our curiosity about each other. I will listen intently to what you really want in business and life, what you believe is standing in the way, where you think you want to go, and what you think you need to get there. 

I will ask pertinent questions and make insightful observations, often using my intuitive powers about what is really going on. 

Whether we end up working together in a committed coaching relationship or not… you will end up with greater clarity and even a major breakthrough. The Power of Divine and Magnificent Love will be actively working work on your behalf. 

If there is a true connection between us and I am certain I can support you, I will extend an invitation to work together, detailing the program that I believe would fulfill your heart’s desires and the results you crave. 

So, what does your heart desire?
     o Increased finances with more joy, balance, and consistency?
     o Give up the striving and toiling for relaxation, receiving, and happy productivity?
     o Finally find the time and space to write that book, go on vacation, or attend to your family?
     o Morph your business into something that actually brings delight to your heart and creates a more desirable lifestyle?
Lynn Hawks
After just one session with Maryann… she quickly identified my blind spots!

Maryann is a true professional. Her confidence, resolve and ability to quickly laser in see where assistance is most needed is immediately apparent. This is powerful coaching! Maryann is lovely, loving, yet absolutely NO nonsense through and through. 

Lynn Hawks, Owner,  Experts and Authorities

If you are looking for a power that is bigger than you to catapult your dreams and desires, draw the right people to you like magic, and pour forth focused wisdom and energy, it is my pleasure and gift to facilitate the miracles you need and support you crave.

Click the button below now to schedule your 60-Minute Curiosity Call…
Schedule Your FREE Curiosity Call with Me
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