
More Coaching Programs with Abundance Coach and Mindset Master,
Maryann Ehmann

Are you ready to sore to the next level of  business, love and abundance with mindset coach Maryann Ehmann from Magnificent Love? 
Take a look below to see the types of programs she has available for you throughout the United States and all across the world.

Abundance Coaching


… a life where there’s more than enough time, money, energy, and freedom to do the things you love, with whom you love, wherever you want, whenever you want.

You have a confidence to achieve whatever you desire, without working yourself to the bone, worrying about what everybody thinks, or stressing about how it’s all going to happen.
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    … a life where there’s more than enough time, money, energy, and freedom to do the things you love, with whom you love, wherever you want, whenever you want.

    You have a confidence to achieve whatever you desire, without working yourself to the bone, worrying about what everybody thinks, or stressing about how it’s all going to happen.

    You have an abundance of the right people in your life. You enjoy satisfying and harmonic relationships. You are aware of your passionate purpose and have an abundance of health, energy, resources, and finances to carry it out.

    Your business or career is thriving. You have more than enough customers and/or clients who align with you, your values, and mission in the world. You aren’t chained to your office and feel the freedom to leave it when you want, without all hell breaking loose.

    Life is a happy expression of who God has made you to be, living a life for which you were created. You end each day happy and grateful. It’s almost hard to believe… this is your life.


    So, maybe this sounds airy, fairy, pie in the sky nonsense. I mean who really, lives like this?

    I do.

    And so do my clients … after we do the work. With one shift, the magic begins.

    How does this happen?

    Well, for over 50 years or more, I have studied the ways of manifesting what we truly desire. Growing up in a family that had so much, but was so unhappy and frustrated, I knew there were secrets I needed to learn.

    I read hundreds of books. I sought out top government officials. I interviewed couple after couple who had long lasting marriages. I curried the favor of some of the richest of the richest. Always looking for the golden key. The proverbial secret to success.

    The secret I discovered is, there is no secret.

    Abundance is everywhere and accessible to each of us. The pathway to living the life you are here to live is smack dab right in front of you. However, there are roadblocks, and I’ve hit many over my lifetime.

    “Just get over it” is not a permanent solution.

    Neither is Pollyanna Pablum.

    Nor is the constant reciting of mantras, affirmations, and hours on your knees praying.

    I have worked with hundreds of clients who were sick and tired of white knuckling it or putting on a happy face, while they whistled a happy tune, so no one ever knew, they weren’t afraid.

    They finally found me and together we discovered what’s at the base of their fears, money troubles, relationship heart aches, or general dissatisfaction with life. We can always change what we become aware of. 

    Wouldn’t you love to clear away the debris that trips you up, so you can be free to emerge as the total magnificent powerhouse that you really are?

    Wouldn’t you love to finally live life on your terms, without being irresponsible, uncaring,or selfish? How about if you, being you, living the life you truly desire, was the BEST gift you could give anyone?

    You can. And it is. Totally possible.

    Through my unique and proven approach, you will be amazed at how your life can change…


    So, if you are tired of status quo, eeking by, dancing to everyone else’s beat, and trying to

    measure up to their definition of worthiness, then let’s chat.

    Whatever you think is lacking in your life, well, it isn’t.

    Lack is an illusion. I will teach you how to live your

    abundant life and receive even more from the infinite supply that has your name on it.

    Besides defining your magnificent life, who your authentic self is, and what you are

    passionate about, I will help you also:

    ✓ Uncover all inner conflicts that create stress, confusion, and even paralysis.

    ✓ Identify fear-based thoughts and replace them with empowering loved soaked ones,

    thus creating new positive mindset patterns that support your dreams,

    personality, and great work

    ✓ Identify your specific and often subconscious money story that has been with you

    since childhood and decide what works for you vs against you. It isn’t money that is

    the problem, it’s the story around it that is. Did you know that you could be

    preventing yourself from earning the money you deserve through your own internal

    mindset about money?

    ✓ Decide what the next step is to create a fun, fulfilling, and on-fire life.

    If you are serious about a life of peace, power, and prosperity, in every sense of the word and you know your time is NOW, then schedule your 60-minute, deep dive, breakthrough session with me. $197 Introductory fee. (My private clients invest $6000-$30000 to work with me) If we decide to continue the journey together, great. If not, you will receive phenomenal value in your 60-minute session. 

Magnetic Appeal Coaching 
For Coaches, Consultants and Speakers

Maybe you don’t need a total life overhaul.

You know what you want in life and what you want to do.

You know there are people out there who need who you are and what you have to offer.

But maybe you feel intimidated and insecure about getting your authentic self out there
Maybe you are unsure which of your amazing stories and messages are the most marketable. 
Or maybe you don’t have a “rags to riches” or “tragedy to triumph” story, which causes you to doubt your value in the marketplace. 
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    But underneath, you know you have the potential to shine, to be that beacon of light that radiates hope. But instead of brilliantly shining, you live in the shadows. You see others attracting their perfect clients and opportunities by being boldly themselves, but how do they do that, you wonder?

    Maybe you’ve received feedback from others that you’re too loud, or too quirky, or too… something. Maybe you’ve played small, real small, to avoid rejection. Maybe you’ve been content to let others decide how you should be.

    I understand. That was I until I made some major shifts in my heart and mind and began attracting clients with ease and joy in delightfully surprising ways. At first I thought it was a fluke. But it happened over and over, and I began to see a pattern.

    It wasn’t through massive marketing, having just the right script, or hounding people until

    they say yes.

    No. I magnetized and manifested them through being my most authentic self and creating

    powerful reality statements that worked.

    So, if you are ready ~

    • for a profound shift that will shake up your world and set you apart,
    • to finally own your truth, who you really are, and the magnificent message that’s
    • uniquely you,
    • to peel back the layers of fears and false beliefs that have been hiding your brilliance
    • and go buck naked in your soul… then you are ready to work with me.

    Schedule your 60-minute, deep dive, breakthrough session with me. $197 Introductory fee. 

Money Mindset 
Coaching Mastery

You want to make a difference, even change the world! But you know you need cash flow to stay in the game. Is it possible you could be repelling money, even blocking it by the stories you tell yourself? It’s not like you are opposed to hard work, but how hard do you have to work?! 

It happened to me! I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating, worried about how we would pay our bills. I pinched pennies, clipped coupons, and waited until the last minute to pay anything.

I thought having a lot of money would make me feel free-er. But it didn’t! It only caused me to worry about different things… like running out, and being afraid of being tight again, and was I being wise…. blah, blah, blah.

Someone proposed to me that I may have some money blocks and actually, be making it hard for money to come to me. The thought resonated with me, and I immediately set out on a course of action to discover my preprogrammed money stories, shift them, and develop an empowered mindset. With God, all things are possible!
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    I went from working for free, then to a whopping $50/hr, to creating a 6 figure income with amazing world changing clients who continue to stay with me year after year as they increase in confidence, income, and impact.

    Worry repels money. Plain and simple.

    But that is not all. You could feel fine about money, but not about charging for your valuable services and products.

    Or maybe you are concerned making a lot of money will change your relationships with those

    you love.

    Or maybe you fear being unwise in the handling of it.

    Or maybe you just don’t think people really want what you have to offer, or are willing to pay

    your prices.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the possible beliefs you have about money. Being in business, especially a service business, requires us to be emotionally clear so we have the internal room to service our clients best. Worrying about money, or scrounging, or looking at clients as our source causes us to be desperate. This will surely repel money AND potential clients!

    If you are ready to be done with this, to identify money blocks and feel GREAT about your relationship to money and your ability to generate income, then I am ready to work with you.

    Together we will empower your mindset and rewrite your money story. We will look at your

    existing income plan and find ways to improve it. We will create more pathways for it to come to you with ease, style, and grace.

    With my proven, proprietary process, Belief to ResultsTM, we can quickly and painlessly identity your money stories, without years of therapy. Once we discover your hidden and not so hidden thoughts and concerns, fulfilling your dreams and generating income will be so much faster and easier.

Schedule coaching sessions with Maryann now!

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